Exhibition: On Paper
On Paper Wojciech Bąkowski, Elene Chantladze, Anders Dickson, Vivienne Griffin, Tomasz Kręcicki, Mikołaj Moskal, Anastasia Pavlou ECHO, Cologne November 16 - December 17 2022 Opening November 16, 7 - 9 p.m.
ECHO Bureau | Hot Wheels Athens | LC Queisser | Stereo | Wschód Roonstraße 108 50674 Cologne

Vivienne Griffin, Confession box, 2022, Black ink on cold press cotton paper, 36 × 26 cm (14 ⅛ × 10 ¼ in.)

Wojciech Bąkowski, A visit to a room that is no longer there, 2021, Charcoal on paper, oak frame, UV glass, 29.5 × 34 cm (11 ⅝ × 13 ⅜ in.)
Vivienne Griffin (b. 1975 Dublin, lives and works in London) contributes two new ink drawings, one a baroque confession box from a church in Palermo, the other a light- filled, tiled shower. Both works depict spaces of solitude, self-reflection and cleansing. One is airy, geometric and light, seen from inside while the other is impressively decorated and seen from outside, conjuring a dark, onerous interior. (Presented by Bureau, New York)
Wojciech Bąkowski (b. 1979 Poznań, lives and works in Warsaw) presents two works of charcoal and pencil on paper, ‘A visit to a room that is no longer there,’ 2021 and ‘Hallway Light,’ 2020. Bąkowski depicts isolated, interior spaces of the home, charged with surreal and dream-like apparitions. In his work, the disordered state of the mind projects into and meshes with the mundane spaces where bodies linger. (Presented by Stereo, Warsaw & Bureau, New York)