Constance DeJong

Relatives, 1988 Constance DeJong & Tony Oursler (Performance documentation) The Kitchen, New York, NY, 2018

Nightwriters, 2018, Artist’s book, 8 ½ × 100 in. *Published as an online digital project by Triple Canopy, 2018 Available here:

Speaking of the River, 2000/2020, Projected video, spoken text and sound on parabolic speaker, bench, Dimensions variable, 16:40

Constance DeJong: A survey exhibition, 2021 (Installation view) Bertha & Karl Leubsdorf Gallery Hunter College, New York

Constance DeJong: A survey exhibition, 2021 (Installation view) Bertha & Karl Leubsdorf Gallery Hunter College, New York

Constance DeJong: A survey exhibition, 2021 (Installation view) Bertha & Karl Leubsdorf Gallery Hunter College, New York

Constance DeJong: A survey exhibition, 2021 (Installation view) Bertha & Karl Leubsdorf Gallery Hunter College, New York

Relatives, 1988 Constance DeJong & Tony Oursler (Performance documentation) The Kitchen, New York, NY, 2018

Stories: Constance DeJong and Philip-Lorca diCorcia, 2018 (Installation view) McEvoy Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco

Green Crosley (Collection: NightWalking), 2018 Re-engineered radio with amplitude-sensitive LEDs, audio 6.5 × 12.5 × 6.75 inches

Blue Meteor, 2015-2016 Re-engineered radio with amplitude-sensitive LEDs, audio 5.25 x 9.5 x 5.5 inches

Speaking of the River, 2000 Infrared sensor benches, audio, sound (Commissioned by Public Art Development Trust) Canary Wharf, River Thames, London, United Kingdom